Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Harnessing the Power Within

As soon as the candidate entered the interview suite, it appeared that she had all the "right stuff."  As a recent college graduate, her resume listed strong credentials including a double major, work-study programs and recommendations from internships with notable companies. 
The suit that she wore reflected careful consideration of style, color and fit.  It was indeed appropriate for the environment.
Nails...check, hair groomed and neat...check.  A bright smile including energetic and positive body language - Check!  Finally a firm handshake and direct eye contact by the candidate made a powerful first impression upon the interviewing team.  All of that preparation made a lasting impression and put her to the top of the list.  They followed up with a job offer.
However, to get to that point of confidence, you have to truly believe in what you are selling - you!    So, what does it take to reach that point?   It requires doing the hard work of self assessment.

Key Elements of Self-Assessment:
  • Honest dialogue with oneself. Take a hard look at yourself in the mirror?  Who is the person that you see reflected there?  If you were to describe the person that you see in the mirror what types of adjectives would you use?  (Exercise:  Get a pen and write down 25 meaningful adjectives both the good and the bad.  Be daring... dig down and discover a few truths!)
  • Identify your passion.  What brings you the most satisfaction?  What is effortless and most rewarding?  What is it that everyone close to you tells you that you are good at?  How can this natural ability be nurtured and developed into an effective skill-set?
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?  We all have both!  You should be prepared to discuss both the positive and negative traits.  Be prepared to analyze and discuss what you are doing to increase or decrease their effect on you and your overall performance.
  • Personality check.  What type of person are you?  Are you an introvert or an extrovert?  Are you a leader or would you prefer to sink into the crowd?  Does a change of routine upset  you or are you excited about new and fresh ideas and opportunities.  Are you a team player or do you prefer to work alone?
  • What is the most powerful motivating factor for your career choice?  Now this may be hard one.  Many people say "Money!"  However, studies confirm that people are motivated by many different things.  Some people desire recognition, others through philanthropic efforts or making a difference in the lives of others.  The list goes on and on and the choice is yours.  However, by identifying your motivating factor, the "why" for what you do, you find it much easier to get out of bed on those rainy, Monday mornings
In essence, the self-assessment exploration process can be a journey of discovery and self-analysis.  This discovery process includes one's understanding of skills, values, interests, culture and societal interests.

Hint:  The longer and harder you look into the mirror, the clearer the picture will become!   Have fun and remember, you are a designers original! 

The Corporate Diva provides keynotes, seminars, executive workshops and coaching sessions to colleges, corporations, trade associations, churches and private organizations.  Contact us at: info@lift-those-hands.com

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Corporate Diva’s Philosophy: “Life”

I have been given this opportunity to "shine"
to make a contribution to this experience called "Life"
I have options and choices, I commit to choose wisely.
I shape my world through my  experiences one by one.

I choose to honor God, family and my community at large.
I commit to a brighter tomorrow for my children by living my best life today.

I am whole and balanced as I inhale the fragrance of "Life"
I appreciate the lessons of the past, 
the promise of the present
and the potential of tomorrow.
I breathe in the present... and I celebrate!