Saturday, January 12, 2008

Corporate Diva’s Philosophy: “Life”

I have been given this opportunity to "shine"
to make a contribution to this experience called "Life"
I have options and choices, I commit to choose wisely.
I shape my world through my  experiences one by one.

I choose to honor God, family and my community at large.
I commit to a brighter tomorrow for my children by living my best life today.

I am whole and balanced as I inhale the fragrance of "Life"
I appreciate the lessons of the past, 
the promise of the present
and the potential of tomorrow.
I breathe in the present... and I celebrate! 


Unknown said...

I love your blog. I would love to know your thought on handling a boss who is insecure.

Unknown said...

Diva, I need help. I am 6 months pregnant and obviously showing. I would like to know if looking for a job is hopeless or if people will consider me? Should I try to hide my belly when I go to interviews or job fairs?

The Corporate Diva said...

Hi Jorgie!

Thanks for the compliment! Open communication is key to effective relationships and the same holds true in the workplace. Plan a meeting and utilize the time to learn all that you can about your bosses highest priorities. Next step: Sell your boss on how your skill set will compliment and align to help achieve those identified priorities. Finally: Schedule follow-up meetings to make sure that your objectives are still aligned and continue to be the excellent contributor that I know you are! Remember: Success is "Inevitable!"

Donni De-Ville said...

You are very beautiful, sophisticated and successful. That will most certainly help you in your kind of business. ~~~~ I bet you have worked hard and been persistent to have accomplished all you have so far. I wanted to say that in my creative pursuits, furtherance in my careers, as an author, and performer, depends on who you know, not what you know.~~~~ Publishers are overrun with submissions, and for the most part are saying they are not accepting more writers, at this stage. So, I am having to financially back myself, which entails a great deal, as you well know.~~~~ With the performing, I made a name in the UK, my birth country, but now I am a resident and citizen in America, and have to organise a 'launch' which means, again financially backing myself. Hopefully, this will happen by next year. So much to organise.~~~~ For careers of this sort, might you have any advice for me? As a woman and a minority, it seems that many doors have been closed here, in America, to me.~~~~
(I can be found by typing my name in your browser.)

Donni De-Ville said...

It is almost a month and the Corporate Diva has not returned, or at least not chosen to reply to me. So there is no point in asking any more questions, or leaving another constructive comment in here!

Apparently this blog is no longer active and the Corporate Diva has left the building.

Unknown said...

All I can do is encourage you. Don't give up on your dreams, no excuses!

The Corporate Diva said...

Hey donni-jay!!! Thanks for the comment - no I did not leave the building - just a delay with computer issues... but I am back now! :o)

I know that sometimes we face challenges and I literally was thinking about how to encourage even myself yesterday. We have to find that inner motivation and re-discover why we set out on our pursuits in the first place. Passion? Purpose? Desire? Each of these are powerful! Remember that no one else can define your limitless potential because they are not your manufacturer. So use "closed doors" or "rejection" as fuel for your dreams. You may visit the "fuel - pump" more often than others, but it is only because you have so much further to go!!! Continue to reach for the stars ! Please do stay in touch... I appreciate you!!!